- These Locomotor Handling Belts help you to switch positions easily
- Suitable for cleaning in a washing machine up to 71 degrees
- Helps to promote confidence and increases safety when moving
- These mobility aids feature a series of vertical and horizontal handholds
- Available in six different sizes
If you find yourself sometimes needing a helping hand when moving around, or switching from one position to another, then why not consider the Locomotor Handling Belt health care aids?
These mobility aids are softly padded for comfort and are available with, or without, a non-slip inner lining to prevent the belt from sliding upwards whilst in use.
These daily living aids give the people helping you to move, whether they be medical and care staff, or friends and family, greater handling control. This helps to prevent painful injuries from happening and allows the person aiding you to only hold where it feels comfortable for you.
These health care aids give you peace of mind, as they facilitate a safe and secure move, and allows you to sit in the most comfortable position for you to watch TV, or eat your dinner, or work on your favourite hobby.
Easy to clean, these deluxe mobility aids can be cleaned in a washing machine and are heat resistant up to 71 degrees.
The Locomotor Handling Belts also benefit from a series of vertical and horizontal handholds.
Available in six sizes:
- Mini 007: 50 cm-114 cm (19.7 inches-44.9 inches) waist
- Mini deluxe 114: 50 cm-114 cm (19.7 inches-44.9 inches) waist
- Maxi 006: 61 cm-114 cm (24 inches-44.9 inches) waist
- Maxi deluxe 098: 61 cm-114 cm (24 inches-44.9 inches) waist
- Maxi plus 077: 91 cm-152 cm (35.8 inches-59.8 inches) waist
- Maxi plus deluxe 127: 91 cm-152 cm (35.8 inches-59.8 inches) waist